More than 15 years ago The Schofields answered God’s call to minister in Jamaica. During their first trips they, along with the other members of the ministry teams, saw more than 250 people saved. Over the years that number has grown to more than 2500. When back in the states they continued their Jamaican ministries by establishing the Miracle Outreach Ministries (M.O.M.) Program. M.O.M. is the Jamaican outreach of Schofield Ministries and ministers to mothers and babies in Jamaica. It is commonly known as The “M.O.M. Program” and provides baby blankets, diapers, clothing and other baby supplies to help needy mothers. They regularly sent shipments of baby and children's clothing.
Thousands of babies and small children have been clothed by this outreach. As a result many families have been lead to Christ. This was made possible by the many churches and individuals who have become partners with this ministry. Schofield Ministries and The M.O.M. Program work with local Jamaican Pastors to help those in need in their communities. The MOM Program recently expanded to begin feeding disabled and elderly who cannot care for themselves. This daily outreach is overseen by Pastor Henry Trowers in Jamaica. Money donated by our partners is sent to Jamaica each month to buy flour, meal, rice and beans which is distributed by members of Pastor Trowers team.